帐户类型 真实交易账户
活动周期 2014年十月27日 - 2016年十月31日
大奖 捷豹F-Type
参加条件 存款不少于1500美元


经过所有必要的核实后我们锁定了符合全部活动条件并且最接近捷豹号码的交易账号。获奖账号是8751332,它属于来自葡萄牙Carlos Miguel Nascimento Rodrigues

根据活动规则,获奖者有权选择大奖 - 全新的顶级超跑捷豹F-Type或存入交易账户的130000美元。Carlos选择了资金奖。



捷豹F-Type - 来自交易的真实乐趣


5 1 2 8 7
获奖者将由5种货币报价产生的上面5个数字决定 (查看捷豹号码形成的规则).

Tài khoản Bí danh Date Rank Swap-free Leverage Deposit Tình trạng
10000.00 - no 1:500 20/02/25
40000.00 417 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 418 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 419 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 420 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 403 no 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 402 no 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 385 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 386 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 387 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 388 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 389 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 416 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 415 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 404 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 405 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 406 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 407 no 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 408 no 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 409 no 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 410 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 411 no 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 412 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 413 yes 1:500 14/02/25
40000.00 414 no 1:500 14/02/25
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  ..  25  »
Account Account Information
68681245This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Legioner
Deposit: 10000.00
Rank: -
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 20/02/25
Tình trạng:
Tài khoản
Bí danh: DueDrop
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 417
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679351This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: stupid
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 418
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679354This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Tann
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 419
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679357This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: YORKE
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 420
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679367This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Sergey
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 403
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679374This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: IGOR1980
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 402
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679376This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: joeregenfx1
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 385
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Andrey
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 386
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679378This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: 1swoll
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 387
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679381This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: retrowill
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 388
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
Tài khoản
Bí danh: yatol
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 389
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679346This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: stoljuba
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 416
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679345This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: joeregenfx1
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 415
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679329This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Cool
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 404
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
Tài khoản
Bí danh: aminforexref
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 405
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679331This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: vitalva
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 406
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679333This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: hendry
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 407
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679336This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: haithem
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 408
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679337This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: KDOT
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 409
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679339This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: 555777
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 410
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679340This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Shaxzod
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 411
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Tazza
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 412
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Tazza
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 413
Swap-free: yes
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:
68679343This user hid his trades
Tài khoản
Bí danh: Renod
Deposit: 40000.00
Rank: 414
Swap-free: no
Leverage: 1:500
Ngày: 14/02/25
Tình trạng:




 InstaForex Loprais Team为达喀尔拉力赛正式参赛

InstaForex Loprais Team为达喀尔拉力赛正式参赛

InstaForex是达喀尔拉力赛官方参与者instprax Loprais Team的标题赞助商。这个拉力赛团队是InstaForex、Loprais团队(达喀尔拉力赛的定期参与者)和汽车公司Tatra的联合项目,Tatra为团队提供了著名的卡车。

InstaForex Loprais Team为达喀尔拉力赛正式参赛

InstaForex是达喀尔拉力赛官方参与者instprax Loprais Team的标题赞助商。这个拉力赛团队是InstaForex、Loprais团队(达喀尔拉力赛的定期参与者)和汽车公司Tatra的联合项目,Tatra为团队提供了著名的卡车。

 InstaForex - Dragon Racing官方合作伙伴

InstaForex - Dragon Racing官方合作伙伴


InstaForex - Dragon Racing官方合作伙伴




We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

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Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaForex acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.


We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.

InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.

Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaForex acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.



给他们的账户充值的交易者将有机会大幅增加他们的存款。第一次定期存款获得100%的奖励并增加1.5倍以上这是一个伟大的机会,无论是初学者和专业投资者提高他们的存款金额! 为什么不试一试呢?参加活动,今天完成你的第一笔有利可图的交易!


给他们的账户充值的交易者将有机会大幅增加他们的存款。第一次定期存款获得100%的奖励并增加1.5倍以上这是一个伟大的机会,无论是初学者和专业投资者提高他们的存款金额! 为什么不试一试呢?参加活动,今天完成你的第一笔有利可图的交易!

Loprais and InstaForex:传统,进步,领导

Loprais and InstaForex:传统,进步,领导

Loprais and InstaForex: 传统, 进程, Ales Loprais的领导精神 是一名飞行员,同时也是拉力赛团队的公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理. Ales Loprais他还拥有一家汽车零部件制造公司,专门生产世界著名的Tatra卡车。艾尔斯于1980年1月10日出生在捷克共和国奥洛穆茨的一个达喀尔拉力赛冠军家庭。他是在为集会做无尽准备的氛围中长大的。艾尔斯一直从事修车工作,而且从很小的时候起,他呆在车库里的时间就比呆在家里的时间要长。

Loprais and InstaForex:传统,进步,领导

Loprais and InstaForex: 传统, 进程, Ales Loprais的领导精神 是一名飞行员,同时也是拉力赛团队的公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理. Ales Loprais他还拥有一家汽车零部件制造公司,专门生产世界著名的Tatra卡车。艾尔斯于1980年1月10日出生在捷克共和国奥洛穆茨的一个达喀尔拉力赛冠军家庭。他是在为集会做无尽准备的氛围中长大的。艾尔斯一直从事修车工作,而且从很小的时候起,他呆在车库里的时间就比呆在家里的时间要长。


InstaForex国际经纪人始终致力于为客户和合作伙伴提供最优质的服务。 InstaForex始终以高水平表达:交易条件的可用性;各种各样的仪器;高技能的支持团队;不论交易量多寡,对每个客户采取的都是单独的方式;交易执行的速度以及其他许多因素使InstaForex公司达到了外汇交易的最高水平。


InstaForex国际经纪人始终致力于为客户和合作伙伴提供最优质的服务。 InstaForex始终以高水平表达:交易条件的可用性;各种各样的仪器;高技能的支持团队;不论交易量多寡,对每个客户采取的都是单独的方式;交易执行的速度以及其他许多因素使InstaForex公司达到了外汇交易的最高水平。

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